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Have you completed you/your team's annual performance reviews or maybe in the midst of them now? According to a study of 81,000 performance evaluations, for every 2 positive words used to describe a female leader, there were 5 used to describe male leaders. Plus, there were only 2 negative descriptors that came up frequently for men, in contrast to 12 for women. Research has also shown that women are more likely to receive vague or conflicting feedback, not connected to objectives or business outcomes. Irritating at best, infuriating if we're being honest.
As we all know, diversity in its broadest sense is vital for organisational success. That said, how do we as women give ourselves, our teams, and our organisations the best chance of success?
According to some of the world's most successful female leaders, there are 9 Leadership Traits they focus on. Here's a great checklist for performance reviews or CPD plans for the year ahead:
1 - Be open-minded
Ask insightful questions of others and yourself, to see a situation from all angles before jumping in.
2 - Approach problems from a macro AND micro level
Start big picture but then break the situation down to see what’s really going on underneath the surface.
3 - Trust your gut
Sometimes the most important voice is your own. The combination of being open-minded, approaching problems from a macro and micro level and trusting your gut is a powerful one.
4 - Step outside your comfort zone
Great leaders are more likely to take some chances that make them uneasy. This is how you’ll achieve some of your greatest successes and learnings. Don’t run away from your fears, run towards them, over and over again!
5 - Take responsibility
Accept the consequences of your actions….but don’t be the scape goat for others!
6 - Find opportunities for improvement
I'll caveat this by saying 'but don't lose sight of the great things you achieve either!' Make sure to push for fact-based feedback that you can act on.
7 - Be mindful
Take a short amount of time out every day for introspection.
8 - Treat everyone with respect
You never know when your paths may cross again.
9 - Make equality a reality
We’ve all got a role to play, so don’t just spectate, lead the way on diversity.
If you'd like to find out how we can work together on optimising your leadership skills and career fulfilment, please get in touch.
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