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This may sound like the start of a corny joke, but it's a real question, to which the answer may be surprising, a weakness is often a strength in plain sight. Bear with me...
According to Robert Louis Stevenson:
‘You cannot run away from weakness; you might sometime fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?’
So today, I invite you to face into your weaknesses. You can’t let go of something if you don’t notice that you’re holding onto it. Admit your ‘weakness’ and find the positive place this can take you to.
Let’s get started!
1 - Find your weakness
Don’t go overboard thinking about an extensive list, this could be a tad depressing. Focus on the top 3 thoughts that sprint to mind. Remember, this is a positive action in its own right! You’re being brave by just writing these down or saying them aloud, and you’re demonstrating self-awareness. Well done you!
2 - Examine the weakness
What are the facts that demonstrate it’s a weakness? This is important, as you may find there’s no relevant/noteworthy evidence at all. It could be rooted in an event many years ago, that you’ve hung onto. It could be that it only happens in certain circumstances, examine what these are. It could be that someone told you that it’s a weakness. What might be their motivator be for saying this? Could they feel threatened by it, or that it’s a strength that they don’t like, or are envious of? What is the counter evidence? This scrutiny will help debunk negative beliefs that you’ve inadvertently attributed to yourself, keep the weakness in perspective, or may even result in you crossing it off your list.
3 - Where DOESN'T the weakness exist?
Let’s use an example weakness often cited at interviews, being too detail oriented. Flip that on its head and identify situations where you are less focused on detail. What are the attributes of this situation? By asking yourself questions to understand why it’s so different in one area of your life versus another, will help you identify strategies and tools that can help you change and achieve more. Write every option down, however small, or even ridiculous some of them may seem. If you’ve felt that your weaknesses have been holding you back for years, then it makes sense that you may assume it’s impossible to change. Don’t limit yourself by assuming your first idea will solve it. Overthinking can be one of the biggest barriers to finding solutions.
4 - What motivates you?
Find what truly motivates you, and however big an obstacle your fear seems, you will overcome it. For me, my desire to become a qualified executive coach was so strong, that it made my fear of embracing academia in my 50s a small price to pay. In fact, the 14mths of studying, practising, and being constantly evaluated, turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life.
5 - Act now
Life gets busy, right? Do you tend to procrastinate? It’s important to decide on the best way to hold yourself accountable for taking action. Often this is as simple as telling someone else you are taking action, or think about an imaginary boss, would they be happy with the progress you’re making?
Going back to where this blog first started, a weakness is often a strength in plain sight, I want to share one final personal experience with you to bring this to life. In my executive career, I sometimes found myself on the receiving end of feedback around being too sensitive or taking things too personally. I found this infuriating and was determined to work through this, see my blog on resilience -
https://www.shine55.co.uk/leadership-resilience-culture-and-diy). However, what I eventually came to appreciate is that honing that ability to sense what other people are experiencing, is an enormously valuable attribute of an executive coach, a strength hiding in plain sight!
If you'd like to find out how we can work together on making your strengths and 'weaknesses' work for you, please get in touch.
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