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Life isn't always full of rainbows and unicorns...
Inevitably there are those body blows that are sent to try us, or a sequence of disappointment/problems AND THEN TO TOP IT ALL you drop your glove in a puddle….the world is against you……you lose perspective ……and shout, swear, cry, or throw something (select as appropriate). We’ve all experienced it, haven’t we? I'd love to be the bearer of great news and say I'm going to share one tip that eradicates the blues. Regrettably, that isn't going to happen but what I am going to share is a short daily routine that is based around the 4 brain chemicals that create happiness: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins, as an acronym, DOSE! I can't help myself, an acronym gives me happiness!
Step 1 - Positive affirmations
Neuroscience tells us that if you train your mind to look for positives first, this is what you will see and ultimately create. One way to do this is to start the day with positive affirmations, examples could be ‘I can succeed, I will succeed’ or ‘I’m surrounded by people who care’ or ‘today is going to be a great day, filled with joy.’ Keep them punchy, don’t have too many, ensure they’re meaningful to you and say them aloud when you first wake up, and periodically throughout the day. It’s essential that you do this regularly, and not just when you’re having a difficult day - that won’t work. Now this may all sound a bit flaky (I can’t deny I started as a cynic), but it works. There is MRI evidence suggesting that certain neural pathways are increased when people practice self-affirmation tasks (Cascio et al., 2016). If you want to be really specific, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex—involved in positive valuation and self-related information processing—becomes more active when we consider our personal values (Falk et al., 2015; Cascio et al., 2016).
When we choose to practice positive affirmations, we’re better able to view “otherwise-threatening information as more self-relevant and valuable” This plays out in your career too. Barbara Frederickson’s research shows that high-performing teams use at least a 3:1 ratio of positive messages as opposed to negative ones. Marcial Losada and Emily Heaphy, who studied the impact of team conversations, calculate that the ratio of positive versus negative interactions in high-performing teams is even higher at 6:1.
Step 2 - Create little moments of satisfaction
Dopamine creates that little feeling of satisfaction or joy when you tick something off your task list, or someone likes your LinkedIn post, or you start a new positive habit. It won’t change your world or have long lasting effects, but it gives that little fleeting buzz that helps a day be better. Make sure that each day you pop a few activities like this into your schedule.
Step 3 - Get social
Oxytocin is sometimes known as ‘the hugging drug’ because it’s released by the brain during physical contact with others, and it’s also the feeling behind love, friendship, or deep trust. It’s proven to boost our immune systems, makes us better problem solvers, and gives us lasting feelings of calm and safety. Positive social interaction whether that’s physical, catching up over a coffee, just chatting on the phone or opening up emotionally is a win-win as it should deliver a little oxytocin to both you and the person you spend time with – how kind!
Step 4 - Those feet are made for walking
The brain produces Serotonin in response to sun and daylight. As winter approaches, it starts getting darker much earlier in the day, which may affect your mood and make you more prone to sadness. Getting outside once a day in mid-day for a short work can be really beneficial.
And finally...
Step 5 - Push yourself
Endorphins are essentially released in response to pain, helping us to push our bodies beyond their comfort level. Once you get beyond the pain part, endorphins feel like a ‘high’ or even just a nice, relaxed feeling. Take a 2min cold shower in the morning, and once you get beyond the initial physical discomfort, you can get a huge boost of endorphins. Alternatively, get yourself to the gym, go for a run, or even just power walk, whatever pushes you slightly beyond your comfort level will have a positive effect.
If you'd like to find out how we can work together on creating a positive mindset or achieving greater career momentum, please get in touch.
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