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There are endless wise words about strengths. Play to your strengths. Surround yourself with a team who counterbalance your weaknesses. Every failure makes you stronger. The list goes on. But how much time do you invest in developing your strengths so that they become real superpowers?
Whilst sitting in my local coffee house, cradling a flat white, I realised that my approach to developing my strengths was inconsistent. Scenario 1: For strengths that I enjoy using, there are two outcomes. Firstly, I actively seek out situations to deploy those strengths, so getting the implicit benefit of ‘practice makes perfect.’ Secondly, I am all over the personal development around this, seeking out podcasts, articles etc that help me build on these further. Scenario 2: Strengths that I know that I have, but deploy them out of necessity, which takes away the enjoyment and satisfaction, and more importantly means they could do with some dusting off. With the words ‘practice makes perfect’ ringing in my ears, I selected three to focus on this month...
of saying ‘Yes’ before the reasons to say 'No' kick in.
These 3 strengths are powerful in fast tracking personal growth and fulfilment, so can have a positive impact on wellbeing. If these are strengths you relate to, why not try this challenge in July. The goal is to complete all 10 activities.
July Strengths Challenge:
1 Consult someone new for a project you’re working on, to get an alternative view
2 Explore multiple solutions to a challenge you’re facing
3 Dream big! Consider the art of the possible on your professional journey, we’ll come back to this topic in a later blog
4 Try a new strategy to improve your productivity
5 Identify a task that you’ve avoided and face it in a new creative way
6 Watch this short YouTube video (6mins) that can motivate you to change your perspective when feeling defeated
7 Throw caution to the wind and say Yes to something that normally intimidates you
8 Share a fear with someone you trust
9 ‘Strength spot’ with someone you trust, it’s motivating and makes you aware of strengths you may not have appreciated
10 Choose one way you can be creative this month
Join me in the July Strengths challenge, and tell a partner, friend, colleague (or me!) what you’re doing so they can motivate and celebrate with you at the end of the month. Get flexing those superpowers!
If this blog has been of interest to you, and you'd like to find out how we can work together on identifying and building your strengths, please get in touch.
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