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Letting off steam is good for the soul...
Every now and then I ring the changes in my gym routine by trying a new class. Recently, 'Body Combat' piqued my interest:
'A high-energy martial arts-inspired workout, punch and kick your way to fitness. Perfect, great way to let off some steam I thought. I rock up for the class and it's busy! I make my way to the middle of the room and start with a few stretches. All good, I'm thinking...and then the music started. What the heck, musical martial-arts wasn't what I'd signed up for!
To give some context, I have zero rhythm. I avoid dancing at all costs, and on those few occasions where I am morally obligated to dance, it's an excruciating 3 minutes of awkward shuffling, staring beseechingly at the bar/toilets as a means of escape. Zero rhythm in a Body Combat class manifested into 45 minutes of being consistently half a beat behind the music, going left when everyone went right, and high kicking when everyone else was throwing a hook punch. I came away with a banging headache from concentrating so hard. Week 2, I spent most of the class 'ranking' my performance against others. Week 3, I came up with acronyms as a failed attempt to recall the sequences. Week 4, I'm convinced I'm going to be removed from the class for being inadvertently disruptive. So what does this have to do with career momentum, you're thinking!
Challenges facing women attempting career momentum are well-trailed across 3 themes
On the positive, the world is changing...
The amazing array of strengths that women bring to senior leadership are increasingly being recognised, valued and actively sought out. Fact: Harvard Business Review research based on 360-degree feedback assessments of 60,000 leaders showed that women consistently rated higher across 13 of the 19 leadership attributes, and routinely scored higher during crisis periods.
However, one challenge continues to allude us - Individual Mind Set
Women routinely downplay their contribution, taking the 'No I, in Team' to its extreme. According to McKinsey research, 70% of women rate themselves equal to their peers, whereas 70% of men rate themselves higher than their peers. 50% of women stated they consciously held themselves back from accelerated growth by failing to cultivate a senior sponsor, ruling themselves out for stretch roles, and being reticent to put themselves forward for 'career building' projects.
Back to my humiliating Body Combat experience for a moment as you may have wondered where this was heading. The barrier to my success (and enjoyment) was that I was too much in my own head, sabotaging both my own enjoyment, success as well as banging into other class members. Week 5 (this week) has been a crazy busy week, I've had no free brain space to catastrophise the impending Body Combat experience or to over engineer tactics, so I just went in and gave it my best shot, cheery to have some time away from Zoom/meetings etc. Whilst it remains clear, Darcy Bussell or Michelle Yeoh I am not, I hit the beat at least 50% of the time, burnt of a million calories (in my head) and enthusiastically whooped and high-fived with my fellow gym bunnies celebrating the end of the class.
So, the message of story is to achieve success, try to get out of your head and into your heart, you'll be amazed how powerful this can be.
If you'd like to find out how we can work together on achieving more success and a greater sense of wellbeing to your career, please get in touch.

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